open-archaeo data paper

open archaeology

Zack Batist


September 11, 2023

Today, Joe Roe and I published a data paper in the Journal of Open Archaeology Data on open-archaeo, the comprehensive list of open source archaeological software and resources that we maintain. In this paper, we outline the data collection methods and conceptual model, and highlight open-archaeo’s value as a public resource and as a dataset for examining the emerging community of practice surrounding open source software development in research contexts. In fact, open-archaeo serves as the basis for an extended dataset in a study we are currently working on (investigating collaborative coding experiences) and we think there is a lot of potential for additional analysis in the future.

Open-archaeo: A Resource for Documenting Archaeological Software Development Practices

Open-archaeo ( is a comprehensive list of open software and resources created by and for archaeologists. It is a living collection—itself an open project—which as of writing includes 548 entries and associated metadata. Open-archaeo documents what kinds of software and resources archaeologists have produced, enabling further investigation of research software engineering and digital peer-production practices in the discipline, both under-explored aspects of archaeological research practice.

Conceptual model documenting relationships between data recorded in open-archaeo and other relevant information in the source material and elsewhere on the web.

Conceptual model documenting relationships between data recorded in open-archaeo and other relevant information in the source material and elsewhere on the web.