On the role of AI in my research


January 24, 2025


January 25, 2025

AI is upon is, and although I would probably be ok if it wasn’t around, I have been (and still am, to a certain extent) tempted to use it in my research. So here I’m gonna articulate some of my thoughts on AI. This isn’t written to convince anyone, or even to convince myself. Just to lay out all my thoughts and take stock of my preconceptions, disapointments, hopes and desires, etc.

Also, I’m gonna use AI, LLM and whatever other brand names and marketing buzzwords interchangably here. Draw whatever conclusions you want about that.

I see AI as being potentially useful in a few productive activities I regularly engage in:

I’m more ambivalent and critical about using AI in these contexts where it’s been really hyped:

I also have some previously-unstated opinions in relation to some common critiques of AI:

I also see that rhetoric, including anxieties about AI, differs in the various communities I participate in:

Maybe I’ll have more to share some other time.