Week notes (2025-W05)

week notes

January 31, 2025

The first part of my week largely involved reading and taking notes on methodological texts. I focused on case study design and qualitative coding techniques. I plan to continue my methodology readings on coding techniques, memoing, interview methods and systematic note-taking, as well filling in gaps in my understanding of grounded theory and related debates. These readings are especially useful in this planning stage, but also serve to fill time while I wait for my IRB approval.

On that note, I finally submitted my ethics application on Thursday. I expect an expedited review based on the low-risk nature of the work. I posted the materials I submitted on the ethics protocol page.

I had my biweekly meeting with David, and he was very encouraging.

I met with Isabel Fortier again yesterday and we came up a list of six projects that may serve as potential cases. We will discuss them in greater depth next week.

I finally sent some feedback on qc.

Next week I also need to fulfill a few commitments not as related to the postdoc: I need to work on a peer-review I had committed to, continue assemmbling constructive feedback for qc, and continue going through the DOAJ for the diamond.open-archaeo initiative.