Week notes (2025-W09)

week notes

February 28, 2025

This week I continued to work on my methodology notes, specifically going through the coding methods. I also spent some time updating an article from my dissertation that was rejected from a journal again, and I’m trying to see how it can be published elsewhere (including as a preprint on my own website).

I experimented with the mechanism for keeping private data contained in a git submodule stored on a secure server, and fiddled with the quarto configuration too. I updated the tech specs blog post with some notes.

I also started developing more comprehensive case files, outlining and reflecting on the first case and how I will approach it.

Being a bit ill this week, in combination with the paper rejection and another grant application, made it a bit of a slog. It will be better next week, right?

On the bright side, I started a collaboration with one of Isabel’s former students, trying to revive the momentum on an abandoned paper. We really clicked and I foresee some good work coming out of this in the future, maybe even beyond this one initiaive.